My wife and i are going to temptaion and cancun for the first time ever. We are open minded about pretty much anything like to go to hippie hollow at lake travis in Austin but would like some real advice on what to do not do and what to expect..
This thread is a good place to start.
Best advice is to take a couple hours and read past threads. Tons and tons of great info on this site.
Go to the July Roll Call. Ask to have yourselves added on your dates and look to see who else is going on those dates. Oh, and introduce yourselves on the thread too.
Welcome aboard, read the threads on here, post your questions if you haven't found them through any thread on the site, best advice you can get about TTR is right here from those that have been there and keep going back
Awesome u two... we recommend that you read over the July Theme nights and get involved. These are great and are huge ice breakers :-D July Theme Nights
We are on our 3rd year, joined the club and very much looking forward to our trip this August! Lively, fun and friendly at TTR