I know there are a lot of threads regarding some of the questions that I am about to ask but I am lazy and the search feature didn't help find exactly what I need. I am the one doing the research on SB for my group and like I said in a previous thread we went to panama city last year and had a pretty insane time...but we are looking to see something new for our senior year. How do you get to stay in phase 1 of the oasis? Whats the best place to book a spring break trip? I see the student city,etc type package deals? Are these really worth it? And if so whats so special about them compared to just booking a trip on a different site such as expedia. Also, if anyone has booked a trip through one of these travel agents.. Do you get to pick the time of the flight? I see on some sites it says TBA for flight. How long are the lines for clubs/bars in cancun? Whats cover like? Is it a good mix of girls/guys at the Oasis? I know last year in panama it was about a 50/50 at the condo we stayed at there were large groups of girls. However, when we went out at night I felt like every bar/club we went to was a 4 to 1 ratio of guys to girls at least. So we spent the days on beaches/ hot tub meeting girls and would meet up with them at night. And if you have any other suggestions for some first timers please let me know.. Thanks
well i am nicer than henry so i will try to answer some lol but in the future dont be lazy, no need to spam the site with the same questions we get all the time. The oasis does not have a great ratio. I wouuld say 4 or 5 guys to 1 girl. however last yr seemed to be mjuch better than in past for some reasons. i would avoid studentcity, you usaully get a shitty flight, and its over priced. check out apple vacations for some really good deal at times. studentcityh makes you pay extra if you want to know what flight you are on more than 3 days before your trip.
Not liking that ratio of guys to women in Oasis! But sure probably the same everywhere. Still can't wait, will be best holiday of 2010 imo. also plan Lanzorate in Feb, Turkey in June and Cyprus in August