Thats great, you will have an awesome time! We will be there Oct 14th-18th, so our trips will overlap. Hope to meet you there!! P.S. Dont forget to add your names to the Oct sticky at the top of the forum.
To add your name to the Calendar, click on the Calendar link above, then click on the tab that says "Add New Event". It is located along the top right of the window. Select the option that says "ranged event", and select your dates, and thats about it! I was also suggesting that you reply to the post at the top of the main Temptation forum labeled "Sticky: October 2010 Roll Call". That way you will be alerted to any October happenings :icon_cool:. It also might be helpful to post a picture so we know who to have the drinks ready for when you arrive! 79 more days, can't wait!!!!!!