I was at TTR last year, and sadly didn't make it topless::doh:....I am returning in October and need some motivation! I may not have a perfect body, but my top is my fav! So...any words of encouragment are welcome...and any ideas for easy transition swim suites/(or just bottoms that arent strings) are appreciated! The girls really need some sun, so any tips are appreciated! :daveandmo:
Shot then top, usually works for me with the bottoms! :doh: Nobody cares, just be yourself and have a blast.
Just don't pack a swimsuit top then you don't have to worry about wearing it or not! And it also means lighter bags for travel!
Nobody knows you. Nobody gives a shit. Nuff said. Let them loose ... or don't. Either way, you will have a great time, and the sun will still come up the next day.
We'll be there the same time as you guys... it will be my first time topless too and i'm super excited about it. My plan is to leave my bathing suit tops in my hotel room (or maybe not bring them at all) so that way there is no hesitation... and also shots, shots, shots! :flash: The only thing I'm worried about is getting burned... but I'm sure there will lots of volunteers for sun-screen appliers? :aktion014:
topless We'll be at TTR for the 3rd time in November and my wife has gone topless both previous trips. The first time she limited going topless to the beach area but last time she felt comfortable anywhere around the sexy pool. I love watching guys checking her out. My wife pre-tanned at the tanning salon to avoid the sunburn thing. Go for it. UNLEASH THE HOUNDS!!:flash:
Christy was the same way.She had never been topless in public either and was a little nervous at first.I didn't push her the first day but we met up with some of our friends that we met on cancuncare and the girls were topless and Jeff (jeffNalisa)made the remake..Yea leave it to Tennessee to leave her top on and ruin the party..The top came off after that and she was fine with it the rest of the trip.BTW...Thanks for the push Jeff! You the man! ha