First Time Solo Single Male Trip Report Jan 17-24

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by NJB425, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. NJB425

    NJB425 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    First of all I had a great time while down there. Taking a vacation and spending my 40th Birthday down at Temptation was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    I decided to write this review because while looking for a place to go I found this website and was a little nervous about the single male aspect of the trip. I did notice a trip report written by a guy from the UK who went down there and agree with everything he said but had a few extra things to add for any solo single males who may be thinking of going down there.

    Service and Staff - Starting with the Bellhops all the way to they guys going around at Patty'Os cleaning up all of our messes. A+ all around. Everyone was friendly and did a great job. They were always helpful and always had a great attitude.

    Food and Restaurants - I saw some people say oh its so so or not like the food. I ate at the buffet, Margarita's and also the seafood place. Everything was great with no complaints breakfast lunch and dinner. If you are not one to plan ahead you can get into the seafood place without a reservation but if you go after 7PM there may be a little bit of a wait. Good thing the quiet bar is right outside and also has the only clock I saw in the entire resort in case you are with out your phone and ever wondering.

    The Drink Service - The bartenders do a great job trying to take care of everyone that comes up without waiting too long, granted women get faster service but wouldn't you serve them first if you were behind the bar too? The drinks are never measured and usually strong. The beer is cold and I thought it tasted great.

    The room- I was in 2233 which is just above the entrance and you can definitely hear Patty'Os but I can sleep through just about anything so that was fine with me. The room was clean and the cleaning service was great and always there around the same time so that was nice to know exactly when my room would be getting done. I requested to have 2 extra bottles of water each day and an extra can of coke since I am not a coffee drinker. I tipped 5 the first day and 3 every other except the last where I tipped 5. On the second day I think the cleaning lady realized that I was a single male there so she left me a different looking towel assortment folded up into a person with stickers that made it look like a woman. If I get any calls asking for child support I will stand firm stating that that doily is not mine. (props to Mark on that one)

    Theme night and shows- They were great I participated in Rock star night Slayer shirt for me. The band they had playing that night was awesome and played classic rock through modern rock. They also played one day at the sexy pool and that singer can sing AC/DC songs for sure. lingerie/Boxer night I started out in black boxer briefs with neon around the waist but went up and changed when it ended at nice shoes and moved over to Patty'Os. BDSM night Just not me so I went in regular clothes, the Show at Nice shoes was 2 male dancers and 2 female dancers. They did bring up people from the crowd and they got more nude than the dancers did but it was a good show. White night I wore a nice white long sleeve shirt, nice shoes and a nice pair of jeans. Lots of participation on this night. Met up with friends at the sports bar and noticed the dancers for this night practicing the routine. One of the women in the group we were with disappeared and then we saw her through the bar window dancing with the dancers and grabbing boobs. Way to go Cindy!!!!. The dancers didn't seem to mind and were laughing as well. A little while later the dancers came out dressed in leather studs and chains so we knew it was time to head to Patty'Os and got right up front before the show started. This show was great and the women were absolutely beautiful. Danced great and then after a few songs went for a costume change and came out in sexy white outfits and danced on platforms for all to see for a good hour. Sexy red night I wore a silky red polo shirt and black pants. Lots of participation on this night. They did the show for this above the sports pool. They had guys building the platforms and lights for this for about 10 hours. The show was about 1 hour and everyone I talked with about this were impressed with how much the resort did for the one hour show. This show started with a mime type of guy trying to get the crowd going. Didn't work to well. Then the dancers came out. There were 5 females, all absolutely gorgeous, and 3 male dancers that none of the ladies were complaining about. The show went on for about an hour then the party moved to Patty'Os. Once again grats to the resort and also the workers who made the stage for the show.

    One last thing about theme nights. Do them. It's not too tough for a guy to throw on a shirt or show up in some boxers and as a single male it helps you fit in instead of standing out.

    BOOOOOOOOBS CRUISE DO IT AS SOON AS YOU GET THERE. I went on the Jan 18th cruise. Steve was sick and so was Omar so it was ran by Chino and Sara69. They did a great job getting the party going and it was going the entire time. I will only say a few things here because what happens on the Boobs Cruise stays on the Boobs Cruise. There was a perfect number of people on the cruise at 69. The canadians won the flag contest. They do ask who came as a single woman and we had none :cry: they also ask who is a single male AKA the creepers. I did raise my hand and yell out and there was also one other single male on the cruise. I guess the Thong Chinos had on his head must have been covering his right eye Pirate style and he didn't see me. Believe it or not this was a bad thing as the creeper of the cruise gets to be a judge of a contest while out there. The waves were choppy and the air was cold. You had to hold on to something the entire time but everyone was partying it up, the music was blasting and the drinks were never ending. We stopped at the isle for lunch for a buffet style lunch and a few more contests. Swim call was short due to the temps and we headed back. There is a collection for kids with cancer. Don't be a cheap ass, it's for kids, buy a bracelet or a t-shirt. We got back around 4pm and all wobbled back onto the beach. I recommend everyone do the cruise as soon as you can upon arrival. This is one way you will start meeting people and making friends and then it goes on from there. You now know some people and all are drunk and back to the sexy pool it is. You will be the wildest people there.

    The weather It was January so it wasn't the warmest but it didn't seem to stop the fun on any of the days around the pool for most. When I return it will most likely not be in January because I love the sun and the beach which was closed for swimming most of the time I was there. I did get a chance to get out in the water the first day there though.

    So that's about all I have to say about that and will now give my input/advice to single males wondering if they should go or not. plus my 2 cents on some other aspects of my trip.

    Temptation is an adults only party resort. There are experienced LS couples and couple just dabbling and trying things out. There are also couples not into the lifestyle just there to party in an all adult atmosphere. There are groups of single males (biggest was about 4 in a group) a few single females but not many at the time I went and also solo single male travelers like myself.

    If you are a single female- You will be popular. You will have no problems meeting people and from what I noticed everyone will treat you very respectfully. It seems like a safe atmosphere for you here. If you get someone bothering you a little move along and talk to someone else who is friendly and I am sure they will look out for you if you keep getting pestered. Also there is a lot of security and if you need to you can go to them too, getting kicked out of the resort should be enough to keep any creepy single guys or creepy couples at bay.

    Solo single males- If you have not been to a LS hotel takeover party try to go to one before deciding (I am not talking about a gang bang party but an actual hotel take over party that will usually have a theme to it with drinking and dancing at first with socializing). It will give you a little bit of an idea on what to expect while there. Not saying Temptation is just LS people but there are quite a few and you may be thinking oh LS people I'll get laid no problem. Single males are not the most popular in this environment and if getting laid is your only objective you will most likely be making an ass of yourself the entire time. In LS single males are like designated hitters in baseball one day it may be a national league game and there is no need for you. But it could be a american league game and you may get to step up to the plate in certain situations but don't expect to be out there playing the field. If you can go into a bar in a new area and make friends, be respectful and have a good time you can do it at Temptation too. LS couples are used to single males and are friendly to respectful single males so long as you are to them as well. They may not want to jump your bones but they are definitely friendly and will party, talk and have a good time with you. Remember respect them and they will respect you just like anyone else would. There are also non LS coupes that will be there...don't ruin anyone's vacation. Its called temptation so there may be couples new to the LS and the female half may find you attractive and be very flirty but remember there may be the male half noticing whats going on and getting pissed. Just because someone is flirting with you a little and being friendly it does not me you will score.

    In short if you are a single male going to Temptation, just looking to get laid and not a buff model type don't go, you will be disappointed (I hear hookers are cheap in the Dominica Republic but that's definitely not my thing) If you are a easy going, respectful and can hold a conversation with out drooling over boobs, looking to have a good time and will do so sex or no sex this is a great place to go.

    Now here's why I decided to go to Temptation. I have worked since I was 13 years old and never gotten fired from a job. I always work hard and have a great work ethic. My family didn't do vacations as I was a kid and my first real vacations were Navy port visits while I served in the US navy from 96-02. After I got out I had a my son shortly after. My ex and I always worked hard and always put family vacations before vacations for us. I got divorced back in 2011 and that made money tight on my end plus never getting more than a few days off with the company I am with, its tough to plan a vacation like this. I have moved up in my company, make decent enough money now to pay for normal bills, kids college fund and now some money for me to have fun. I was turning 40 on January 19th and and wanted to do it in a great atmosphere that was by the ocean and far from home with great new people around me. I have dabbled in the lifestyle some both in relationships and as a single male (no GB parties for this guy). While looking for a vacation I wanted to find a place with unfiltered people looking to have fun and know how to party (props to you Canadians on this you definitely know how to party :flagcanada: ) I saw Temptation on trip advisor and then found cancuncare. Did a ton of reading on the resort and knew this was the place I needed to go. Most LS friends I have are Hedo fans but the ones that had been to Temptation said I would really like it and that TTR was more my style. I went down there with no expectations besides meeting new fun people and having a good time. If I hooked up good for me if not oh well I have no problems getting laid back home in regular old bar. Can you hook up while down there? Yes you can so long as you are decent looking and not an asshat. If you have to go to a place like temptation to get laid you wont get laid while you are there.

    So I am going to start wrapping this up by saying I definitely found the place to vacation for me. Thanks to all the friends I made and people I partied with and talked to. Thanks to everyone who works at Temptation for a great place to go down to and the great service. Thanks to the ladies who saw me shivering in the jaccuzzi at the sexy pool that cold day and warmed me up with 6 big ol boobies, Thanks to Steve for this website and thanks to Chinos and Sara69 for hosting a great 5 1/2 hr party plus the guys driving the boat and flinging drinks out on the Boobs Cruise.

    If I had talked to you here before I went down there and didn't meet up with you to bullshit some and have a drink I apologize for that as I may have not recognized you. I don't want to mention any names on here except for Cindy who didn't have any problem throwing me under the bus but it was all in good fun. If I met you down there and haven't sent you a friend request yet its because I couldn't find you on here so send the request my way when you get a chance. Please forgive my poop grammar, spelling and punctuation. I am a tech not an English teacher

    I will definitely be going back and I am thinking about heading back in late October or early November.
  2. Bourbon Life

    Bourbon Life Addict Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Bourbon Country - Kentucky
    +111 / 0
    A very good trip report. Give April or May a try both months are THE BEST INHO. I can't imagine respectful singles not having a blast.
  3. Boy & Girl

    Boy & Girl Guru Registered Member

    May 16, 2009
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    Nice report. It was a pleasure to read.
  4. MrandMrsHotWife

    MrandMrsHotWife Regular Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Sounds like you have it figured out. Come on back in April and say hey!
  5. Free@33

    Free@33 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Niagara Falls, Canada
    +2 / 0
    Fantastic trip report. Glad to hear about your experience and some good information
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Great report!

    *Added to the approved single guys list* :)
  7. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Calgary, Alberta Canada
    +177 / 0
    I hope that doesn't mean you have to cut one of the rest of us Steve lol! Glad the OP had a blast though.
  8. Lisa and Darrell

    Lisa and Darrell Addict Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Great trip report! Thank you for sharing!
  9. scottydog

    scottydog I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Thanks for the report...Well done!!
  10. RedSkiBums

    RedSkiBums Guru Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Some town in the hinterland of BC, Canada
    +1,429 / 8
    And that, single ladies and gentlemen, is how to do TTR.
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