So I'm a first timer, my plane arrives around 530pm on a Saturday. What is the first place you 'veterans' head to when you get in? ( I'm sure a bar is the answer but which one/why!:wink3
The responsible answer would be to the build a base for all the drinks flowing at the sexy pool. It's all too easy to skip the food and head to the pool. Booze goes down fast after a long day of flying!
If your coming in that late, defintly get to your room get the three S's done if you need to and then hit the buffet. Patio's won't start filling up till abit later so enjoy yourself with some food. You can even drink at dinner so it's all good!
Check-in... Sex.... (what you ask??? LOL).... sex... hhhmmmmm... sex We are getting in this trip at 7:00 most likely get to the resort and our room around 9:30ish... I hope to hell there is a party going on cuz I don't want to have to hit the party bus down town!!! Bring it on people!!!!!
If your flight comes in at 5:30, it will probably be around 7 before you get to your room and it's your first trip, right? I'd toss my bag to be unpacked later. Then I'd have to take a quick wander around...then go and get dinner. If there is not a wait at Bellavista or the TexMex, I'd go there..if there is a long wait, I'd go to the buffet. Then head to Paty-O's.
We check in get our room (cross our fingers that we're happy with it) and unpack. It doesn't take long and I'd rather just have everything in order...especially get the clothes hung up so I don't have to iron them later on. We then head on out to the pool or patyo's to say hi to old friends...and new. It's funny it takes me 2 months to pack (and unpack and repack) yet only 5 minutes to unpack at the resort. D