Anyone been to TTR recently know if you can buy fireball at the little liquor store next door, or the store across the street? I really don't want to have to bring any from the states.
This Fireball or something like it shouldn't be hard to find since all the whiskey makers seem to have jumped on the cinnamon bandwagon! Don't they all taste the same? I'm no expert but I believe Fireball is a cheap Canadian Whisky they dumped cinnamon flavor and a cup of sugar in the bottle and ever other company has been playing catch up ever since? Even though I prefer the natural traditional Whiskey Flavores myself, I'm all in favor of any thing to get women to drink more whiskey! Hell Yeah! Remember when they did Honey / Whisky mix? It's all good!
could suck on an automic fireball while taking a shot of regular whiskey? Never tried it though so can't guarantee it's the same
Real fireball is almost impossible to find. We pack a half gallon bottle in each bag. It along with some other things we pack make for good conversations when they check our bags. Never had them take it (knock on wood).
La Europa liquor store is right next to Walmart in Cancun. We purchased a bottle of Fireball in April this year. Cost is similar to USA. If you arrange private transport from airport upon arrival ask them to take you there. M&D
Of it's just a quick bus ride... they have everything you need at that store at "good" for Cancun prices. Jamie
Buy Cinerator. Higher proof and tastes way better than Fireball. Nikki & Dave got some last september at Duty Free I believe.