Finding an Apartment

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Gmanca, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Gmanca

    Gmanca Newbie Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Hi all, I'm new here and maybe accepting a job in Cancun in the near future and was just looking for some info on finding an apartment.

    What are the best/safest/funnest neighbourhoods to live in?

    What can I expect to pay for a single room, 1 bathroom furnished apartment?

    Are the any websites that might offer rooms for long term rent, I haven't had a lot of luck searching, aside from holiday rentals?

    I'd be mighty grateful to anyone who could provide me some insight.

  2. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Hi if you want to live in the
    the the HZ is probably ticks all three of those boxes, it's safe, fun, and right on the beach it's one of the best areas as well.

    You can rent for around 9000 pesos a 1 bed long term, but you sound like you like the best so you can pay a lot more for nicer stuff as well. If the job you are taking is also in the HZ then it will be an easy commute to work!

    Have a look here

    Venta De Casa Sola en Cancun/benito Juarez, compra casa amueblada , casas amuebladas , inmobiliarias quintana roo
  3. Cancuna

    Cancuna Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm in Cancun, at the moment actively looking for an apt.
    In downtown Centro there are many but most are run down, ugly, awfull.
    Try near Plaza de las Americas. I'd prefer Puerto Juarez, closer to sea yet not in the .... HZ (unless you fancy living amidst tourists). I'm planning to comb the Juarez area tomorrow-weather permitting.

    Today I met a real estate administrator, (what overt game-playing!) I think it's best to deal directly with landlords, to answer ads and try to avoid the ''administrador'' species.
  4. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    The 9,000 pesos for a one bedroom in the HZ that Mat mentioned sounds like a good deal: we never found a furnished place in Cancun Centro we would consider renting, not even for the medium term, for less than that. 12,000 and up is probably what you're looking at for something in a reasonably nice neighborhood in the center.

    Newer, and more attractive neighborhoods can be found working from Costco along Av Kabah towards Plaza Las Americas, and the SMs starting with 15, and working your way south towards Hospital Galenia.
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    There are several 4500 - 5000 /month new flats where we live, between Yaxcilan and Market 28 = dead center of Cancun :) Same owner has new flats(same price) just behind IMSS(Av Coba) and Office Depot(1-2 blocks away, going towards Wal Mart).

    Ive never even set foot in a flat that cost more than 10 000 in Cancun, so there are plentiful that are 100% clean and functional from 4000 to "whatever one wants to pay".

    I have a 8 min walk to Wal Mart, 3 min walk to the HZ buses on Tulum, etc.

    (For fun, Ive checked online and those that Ive found are either overpriced and/or far, faaaaar away and run down.)
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    This is the area in which it gets extremely subjective, and an individual matter. Those areas that I mentioned in my previous post are nicer, but still not too impressive for someone used to developed world neighborhoods.

    Most of Cancun has an aged, broken down look to it, including those areas you spoke of, Rawkus: I put where I live in the same category, but we weren't hunting for something that was in as nice a neighborhood as it's possible to find in Cancun.
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: I should have clarified/specified that the buildings where the flats are situated, are new and in great condition. The surrounding areas in most parts of Cancun(gated communities the exception) are what they are.

    Here its safe and we have patrols passing every 10-20 mins. The German/Austrian embassy on our street doesnt even bother with security or metal bars that cover the windows.

    So, to sum it up: The flats and the buildings are new and flawless. The surrounding areas are like the rest of Cancun: Generally run down.

    People looking for clean, well taken care of flats under 5500 pesos/month, can easily find them. The buildings are also gated and fenced :)

    Edit: Ill see if I can get some photos of the building on our street later.
  8. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    GMANCA never mentioned a price range. And just like rawkus, I have NEVER paid a rent in Centro over $6000. Right now, I live in a 3 bed room, 2 bath, fully furnished apt in SM 48. It's convenient to ALOT, including HZ bus, 2 walmarts, Costco and Parque Kabah. I love it, feel safe, and unless forced to, don't want to live anywhere else. Toooo many times on forums like these, and in Expat FB pages, do retirees, those that earn USD, or couples that have multiple incomes seem to interject that their lifestyle is the only way. Anything else is poor, rundown and dangerous. That is sad, and gives false info to too many.
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Absolutely right, ToriB, and many times I've written about how cheap it can be to live here: it all comes down to what people require, and that's purely subjective.

    On other threads I've said apts can be found here for as little as 1,500/month, and the market is crowded with those offered in the ranges you and Rawkus have spoken of on this thread. Cancuna seems to have sampled these and, so far, been dissatisfied.

    I've lived in developing countries for 17 years, Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Vietnam, and the larger part of Cancun, including the part of the city where I live, looks a lot like those places in many ways.

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    V: Of course one can find "wrecks" in Centro, plenty of them, but a clue is to look at the exterior: Well protected(gate, fence), clean front yard, painted etc. I wouldnt even bother checking one out that on the outside looks like crap.

    A friend just moved to a shine, 2 bedroom flat on Palenque, paying 4200(gas and water included) per month.

    The trick is to first find an area that attracts you, then walk around and ask and call for any/all flats that raises even the slightest interest.

    If one is looking at the same standard of lets say US, Sweden, Australia etc, then good luck staying under a decent amount.

    Since 2007, Iv never had any issues finding well managed, clean, "safe"(a lot of this comes down to haw you, the person, plays it...) flats/houses in Centro for under 6000 pesos/month. They are there, but just like with most realestate, those are hardly the ones that they market for the clients. :)

    I lived across the park from you, in a 1 bedroom flat that ran me 4300 and included both gas, cleaning/maintenance and water. Never had any issues, except in the park itself, which is the exact park that you guys live at now ;)

    I do remember that your building had several break ins, where the intruders climbed over the stone wall, using the big tree that is(was?) next to the wall.

    I avoid real estate agents, as they are ONLY interested in selling - they dont care about anything else.

    You ask for "maximum 5000/month" and they, somehow, interpret that as "ok, so let me show you this penthouse, for only 20 000/month"... Its like they turn off their brain :D

    Tori lives in a nice area, close to pretty much everything one needs. I checked houses and flats around there(short end behind Parque Kabah) but they all went sooooo fast :(
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