It's just my opinion, but I really believe that we should organize a final week photoshoot for posterities sake. I know we've only been going for a year now, but we've been 5 times in that year and have two more trips booked before the closing. There have been multiple times in my life that I consciously decided not to bring a camera because I didn't want to deal with carrying it or wasn't in the mood at the time and I regret every single time I didn't document the event! I know it's difficult keeping schedules once your at TTR, I'm guilty of planning to go to a Pastie Exchange, or a Room Crawl but after drinking all day we tend to forget or are too tired to make it. I think this should be a much more organized effort much like meeting at patyO's before the Boobs Cruise. If we could get JJ one day during the daily activities to have everyone gather on the beach for a group shot or something, I think we would all appreciate it later! Everyone chime in and let's see if this dog has legs.:clappyinghappy:
sounds awesome. As a single, I never carry my camera and always hate I don't have a record of the trip. An organized photo would fill a need for me.
Fabulous idea maybe meet at patyO's after dinner for the before fireball shots then again at 0200 am at the quiet pool for the after....Haa haa starts off looking glamorous usually ends nakid