Just a few questions before arriving this saturday for 8 days and nights of fun.. was wondering about the price of Viagra and Cialis (?) and was also wondering about availability of ATM machine on property? and suggestions on favorite cigars and ballpark prices of cigars? Thanks (scary getting a big group of people like this epic group rounded up and then throwing in Viagra)
about 4 years ago, i went to the pharmacy across the street and a block down to the left.....for some pepto bismo....yea thats it, pepto bismo....i think i saw some original viagra there and the price was 80.00 for 4...sounds alot to me, i also heard they work really good!!!! just what i heard...hehe
Are you sure it wasn't 80.00 pesos for 4? Depending on the exchange rate you can simplify that to around $8.00 USD for 4 pills. May be the best $2 (one pill) you can spend. lol.
Stay away from the ATM in the gift shop. Dispenses US$, but expensive to use. I believe there is also an ATM by the store outside the property that is reasonable. Montecristo branded cigars are $5-$10 and available about everywhere. I doubt if they are authentic, but I have never had any complaints from a friend that I bring some back for.
Yes that's what I may need to do... Sounds like something us guy would do we would pawn off heirlooms for a promise of a good woody
Damn.... if you paid $80 then I have some land for you... if you paid 80 pesos than I still have faith in you. Jamie
The Viagra at Wal-mart in Cancun are about $48.00 U.S for 4, these are 100 mg and should be split, so I have been told...LoL...In the U.S and Canada Doctors prescribe the 50mg ones.The Cialis were close to the same price as they have dropped in the past couple of years.