So, several weeks ago, I started my tolerance training routine in preparation for TTR. I'm sure everyone does some sort of training or lifestyle alteration during the last few weeks so they don't make a total ass of themselves when they get down to TTR and are able to partake without having to worry about family, friends, jobs, the inevitable NSFFacebook pictures, etc. I went into this with mucho gusto thinking I was up to the task. I planned; God laughed. I have been humbled. Now admittedly, I have missed a day or two of training due to unforeseen circumstances like life, work and illness getting in the way. But I have tried to partake every night when I can, often double fisting it (get your minds out of the gutter) and just can't seem to build up my tolerance. It's the home stretch...5 days and 23 hours until we land. I am hereby officially giving up on my tolerance training. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with my behavior as I will probably be the lone dumbass who couldn't properly train, sitting in the sexy pool, giggling like a 5-year-old, a glazed vacant look in my eyes, drool running down my chin, Kati just shaking her head at me, etc. But truth be told, I never really wanted to build up a tolerance to b( . )( . )bs in the first place.
lmao, and here i was trying to think of a reply as i was reading, things like pace yourself, drink water, lol, then got to the end, and realised i just could not help you, there is nothing known that can build up a tolerance to :flash: 8 more days for that glazed vacant look
I (Paula) tried to build up my tolerance last week while in Vegas..and failed I might be right there with ya (in the sexy pool, giggling like a 5-year-old, a glazed vacant look in my eyes !)
Didn't get to Moorea this time..was there with friends and a cabana before and was great! This time stayed at Wynn/Encore, the "European" pool was way too quiet!