Sorry to everyone but I have been clicking all over the darn place trying to figure out who is going at this time ...We will be down from Dec 1-8. I know Zurc and Sue will be there just trying to put some names to faces for when we get there ...did so last year and had a BLAST! Boobs Cruise is slated for the 6th I believe (Sue?) Cant wait! we need this trip bad! cheers! FEEL FREE TO SHOOT US A MSG :icon_wink:
hi babe im there 29th nov to 13th dec... woop woop I guess steve will do a roll call list in the december thread soon, you can also check the calender some people have popped there dates in there xx AND YES IT LOOKS LIKE JUST ONE Boobs Cruise ON THE 6TH.. JUST NOT ENOUGH NUMBERS END OF NOVEMBER SORRY FOLKS..I will ask steve to make it official in next couple of days xx
I've been chomping at the bit ready to go. I'm going to be taking at least 50 orange wristbands to hand out so people from the board can recognize each other. I might try to pick up more if we think we're going to have the numbers.
girls zurc ..what about orange cancuncare nipple tassles for the girls.. they might stand out more than wrist bands:aktion030:
look forward to meeting you guys there Nov24-Dec 8,, let the shooters flow, and the fun begin..woo hoo
Sounds like a lot of fun people :lotsofmichaelfs:goin first part of Dec. :aktion030: We will be there 2nd thru the 10...First Timers for us ...:wave:Meet yall at the bar!!!