DUH! Don't Travel With a Gun!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    he third person in about 3 months now has been arrested in the Cancun Airport with a gun and ammunition in her luggage. One other was a security guard and another a police officer. The lady arrested yesterday was on her way back home to Houston. Don't know if she bought it here or didn't get caught when she arrived but...Jeez!

    Am I the only one who thinks this is a really dumb thing to do? I have seen lots of "what to pack lists" and have never seen weapons on any one of them. Mexico is very strict about this and airports probably even stricter! Name: Cooper Doylene, Cherry. U.S. Citizen. Picture on most papers today. Here is the link for Novedades: http://www.sipse.com/noticias/24845-llevan-extranjera-armada---.html
  2. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Never mind how stupid it is, why didn't the airport security in the US catch it before they left for Mexico? (assuming they are American) Just being a police officer or licensed to carry doesn't mean you're allowed to carry it on a plane, especially to another country!

    Is guess the TSA security people are too busy searching the elderly, and making kids take their shoes off to pay attention the the x-ray screen or metal detectors... :azzangel:
  3. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Shocked ! How stupid can some people be?
  4. CharlesinCancun

    CharlesinCancun Regular Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    sometimes people that carry guns , forget they had it in a bag or misplaced them on accident , I know that sounds crazy but it happens. you know all of us in Texas carry, lol , many have a CHL (concelead handgun lic). that is the only part of Mexico I dont like , that law abiding citizens can't carry.

    I was jumped this past weekend by mercado , I think 26 or 36 , by Chichen ave. by 5 little joven barrio rats (ages around 15 to 17). I got away from them and a security guard helped me. if that had happened in Tex. , well uh , you know they wouldnt be doing that again.

    A guy from my hometown crossed the border a few years ago with a box of ammo, he forgot from a gun show. he was put in jail and had to sell his business to pay for his release and spent a few horrible months in N.L. jail that story makes me check my bag 3 or 4 times before I go to the airport
  5. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Barrio Rats ! - nice comment.Actually its making my blood boil.To imply you would shoot them is even more distasteful.
  6. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Charles, it seems that you have not traveled a lot.... So you like only the US... or maybe only Texas!

    This everyone-carries-a-gun and self-justice thing is the only thing that scares me in the US, leading to so much violence!
  7. CancunMole

    CancunMole Addict Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Not trying to create controversy during what is supposed to be this time of Seasonal Peace, but in defense of Charles and ALL of the USA, I wonder where the UK and France might have been today had the gun totting Americans not entered into WWII to more or less save the day? Say what you want but without the USA's guns I wonder if anyone from those Countries would be free to be in Cancun today? Just wondering.....

    Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo or Happy Holidays to All, whichever applies.
  8. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    +6 / 0
    What would Jesus do, if he could "carry"?

    Jesus, "They won't mess with me, boys, I'm packin' heat, under my tunic."

    I'm from the U.S., but this whole gun thing seems so oddly "American" to me- perhaps north, central and south American. (Haven't been here long enough to know but I suspect Mexico has a similar attitude towards, and love of, the gun.) Haven't seen this fascination in Europe or Asia, though.

    The idea that Americans are going to pour out of their houses, guns in hand, to defend Europe, or anybody else, is quintessentially American- and just a bit comical, I've always thought. (My apologies to CancunMole, whom I appreciate.)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    They teach that in US schools? or have you been watching too many movies?

    The Americans (sic) only entered the war because Germany declared war on them, after the US declared war on the Japanese following the attack on Pearl Harbour. Until then they were quite happy to watch it unfold. They certainly didnt enter the war to 'save the day'.

    Maybe us Brits should be thanking the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbour instead.
  10. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I was going to leave this alone, but now that I can see that others were bothered by it as well I'm going to point out a few problems that I have with it.

    Firstly, I'm going to assume that you must be talking about Mercado 23 if it was near Chichen Itza, I'm not aware of any mercado 26 or 36.

    Second, I've NEVER seen or heard about what you describe as having happened to you in Cancun. It of' course could happen, its just the first time I've heard of it here. The 15 to 17 age group tend to be pretty fast, so I'm not sure how you "got away" from 5 of them.

    Third, assuming you were in or around Mercado 23, I cant think of any place that would have a security guard except the Elektra and SanFransisco stores. If you were near to either of those locations there should have been lots of people all around to witness and deter such an attack.

    Lastly, I also don't appreciate the suggestion that you would shoot someone so readily, and feel that it just goes to reinforce negative stereotypes that Americans face throughout the world. Even in Texas you have to have reasonable fear that your life is in imminent danger before resorting to firearms, and even then you can expect a full investigation.

    Now, obviously, I wasn't there, I don't know if your story is true, I don't know the details, I don't know if you really would be so quick to fire on someone, but I do feel that your post comes across as an "ugly American/cowboy" remark. There are times when deadly force is appropriate, but generally speaking I would like to think that the majority of us can show enough restraint to not execute people on the street who we feel have done us wrong. If it did happen, I'm glad that you got away, and glad that apparently no one was hurt, further I apologize for my disbelief, but the way that you described it seems a bit bizarre to me, as I used to frequent that area quite often and have a hard time envisioning roaming groups of teens attacking foreigners, so close to the hustle and bustle of the market.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2009
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