5 days ago, they do so much damage to the coral reef at Punta Nizuc that it will take thousands of years to recover, yes this was the famous spot wher most of the Jungle Tours take you to snorkel.
http://www.poresto.net/content/view/4127/29/ http://www.dqr.com.mx/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6232&Itemid=16
It is so sad and ashame, it involves also so many break rules and authorities. I do not know how many of the locals were here 5 or 4 years ago when a Norwegian Cruise destroy 10% (compared to Dolphin discovery damage) of a reef and they got to pay millions of dollars plus decline the permission to anchor between Isla Mujeres and Cancun from where they use tenders and use Playa Tortugas as arrival port in Cancun.
This is sad. wonder what it means for dolphin discovery? we were/are thinkin of going there if we go to cancun in december. I wish I knew how to read spanish but I can't. Any articles in english? Katie
It shouldn't affect Dolphin Discovery, but the captain of the ship could be in some trouble, he's responsible and will be their fall guy for sure. The port masters are being held at fault as well from all reports. It is going to take THOUSANDS of years to recover from this accident that could have been prevented! Use this..... http://babelfish.altavista.com/ when you want to translate a whole page of text, it's not the cleanest translation but it gives a pretty good idea of the story.
It should affect Dolphin -discovery as they got the permissins from port authorities, acceot a job and their ship and their Captain is resonsable for all the damage made to the cooral reef.
I meant that it probably won't affect their operations on Isla Mujeres for tourists. I suspect that with the way things work here that it won't affect the company much either, they will pin it all on the captain and the port authorities. Not that they "shouldn't" be affected, just that it's unlikely that they will be.