Going down to Cancun for my first time. I've spent a week diving in Cozumel a few years back. Wondering if any divers going to be at the hotel the same time!? I'd love to get at least one dive in while in warm lovely waters before coming back to the cold pacific with barely any visibility! Who's up for a dive!?
I've been pondering this one as well. I don't get the opportunity to dive very often so I hate to miss it. On the other hand, will we find ourselves down along some beautiful reef huffing away in order to blow the tank quickly just to get back to the party? Things to ponder. We'll be down from August 30th until the 4th. You might be able to twist my arm... though I would love a little feedback from others who have gone before.
I'll be there the 3rd to the 8th of sept. One day out won't be too bad. I do like the idea of as many boobs cruises that happen when I'm there as well, but we'll just have to see I guess! Anyone have a dive outfit they've used before out of Cancun?
You should ask for Boris. He is the dive master at Temptation. I took my PADI with him and have done many dives with him over the years and highly recommend him. You can find Boris to the left of the towel hut over by the Bar at the Sexy pool.
Just dove there last week- warning I'm just back from TTR last week. I am a new diver got my Padi cert here in California. So I see Boris and ask where and when they are going out. He says we are going out on a Monday morning two tank dive, out at 9a back at 12:30p one on a reef and one at the museum and its $77. I say sounds good. So Monday morning comes around and he's still training in the pool and sends me out with the company he is using for tanks and boats solo buceo or something like that. They pick me up at the dock we shuttle over to the RIU and pick up 5 more. Then we shuttle over to their headquarters where I'm sent to another boat with 16 divers total in a small panga whaler boat. We shuttle to the first stop and the weather is pretty rough so they rush to hook everyone up and get them off in the water. No chance to safety check equip no , buddy set up , no bubble check. Felt very unsafe for me, I would often find myself looking around to see no one watching out for each other , it was a free for all. We go up and shuttle to the next stop and the boat is rocking so much people are climbing all over each other to get to the side to throw up. The water that is included in the dives consisted of a warm 5 gallon sparklets jug that you had to pour into disposable cups. Second dive , another reef , no museum. Back to the headquarters dock and proceed to wait for 45min for another boat to take us back to our respective hotels. Back at 2:30p Nightmare, you are warned. There are plenty of other companies that you can find on your own that will take better care of you in a smaller group. Check scubaboard.com On a good note I also took a day trip to Cozumel and found a great company that took out a group of 4 divers on a two tanker for only $75. Awesome dives.
We are divers, but we don't try to combine diving trips with party trips. And this is definitely going to be a party trip!