I couldn't make Desire Week in early September but have been unsuccessfuly looking for posts. Was it full? Was it a great time? Was there talk of them doing more or returning to the concept?
We were there, it was great and full. Check out Tripadvisor.com, there are a large number of reviews under Temptation Los Cabos. Take a look at Temptations website, there are a few Desire weeks planned for 2011.
Hey M and F, We were there and had a blast. The crowd was large and the best ever. Still wanting to type up a review for this forum...we'll git 'er done....
May 3-8 Sept 13-18 Booking Oct 27-Nov 01 this are the 2011 Desire Weeks open to the public to reserve but not Premier Members Yet:. We are booking our self for the week of Sept 13-18 We heard and read really good reviews about the Desire weeks we are looking forward to it