Hi, We have a question about the Desire Resort. What is the average age group of the guests at Desire? Are they generally older, younger or the same as Temptation? I tried to do a search for "age" but since it's a 3 letter word, it get's filtered out in the search query. Also, is it true that you can have sex in public while at Desire?
all I can say is Desire is Temptations on steroids, but it was a lot of fun. never been to Temptations, were going Oct. 7th. from what I get the average age is mid twenties to upper thirties, but I could be way off. Hope you have a great trip!
The average age of guests at Desire tends to be a bit older than those at Temptation, however that also depends on the week that you are there - lol Most guests, at both Desire and Temptation, don't really sweat the "age"" thing since they are all there for the same thing - a great vacation with other like minded people. As to your last question - a qualified yes, there are some designated areas within Desire that you can fulfill your fantasies - if you want to know more or ask questions about Desire just click the link on my signature line for the Desire Forums