My wife and I have never done an adult themed vacation...she is a little more chill than me...kinda introverted...likes her party time but loves her quiet time as well... Considering that would Desire be a better fit than TTR for us. Looking for a romantic sexy time... Any advice much appreciated.
Desire is a lot more "quiet" than TTR for sure. So it really does depend on what you want. Our vacation at Desire was good. Lots of PDA and naked fun during the day and night. There was one couple that enjoyed themselves in the hot tub and the bed by the pool everyday:bj:. Enjoyed watching them. I don't know how much time you've got but maybe to a split trip between both of them.
I would recommend changing the statement, inquiry rather, from Desire or Temptation to... Desire AND Temptation. Either conjoined into one trip where you go from one place to the other in mid-vacation, or simply have two vacations. Boo-Yah...
Thanks you all!! Both sounds like a good idea...Again...never had a trip like this before in terms of sexy adult dipping your toe in the water = TTR and then in Desire a step up? Or is GP a dipping your toe in the water type resort in terms of sexy atmosphere and then TTR a step up from that? We have done all inclusive vacations but never clothing optional...We like the idea of trying this but wife a little nervous so making sure we go somewhere she will fill comfortable first and foremost. That is most important to me. I'm not as nervous about this aspect of the resort as she is....ha ha..Hell...I'll take my pants off anywhere Appreciate you all!
We have been to all three properties multiple times. (DRM, TTR, GP) If she is that tenative and shy, then I would say try GP as a starting point. It would be an suitable appetizer to the other resorts. However, TTR is perfect for you both. There is a quiet pool at TTR that is pretty low key and she can chill out, but have the option of sampling the Sexy Pool at her own pace. That way she can gauge her comfort level and you can partake in the party atmosphere accordingly . DRM is a bold move for a introvert's baptism. So I say GP, where the chance of outrageous behavior is slim, or TTR, is really your dilemma.
If she is nervous/unsure about the clothing optional. I would say TTR will be great start. It's an awesome fun party atmosphere and it's just boobs. I have a feeling that DRM might be too much for her this trip. Plus like someone said, if you want quiet time there is the quiet pool or even you could go for a massage on the beach or a million different alone things Enjoy!
I like the GP then TTR recommendation. But what gives me pause is the statement where you say 'romantic sexy'. I wouldn't describe TTR as romantic sexy. That is more Desire for sure. But Desire will definitely be more in your face in regards to sexual activity. But also TTR is more of a spring break for adults party. So not exactly sure which is more what your wife is not into. So if she isn't sure what is right for her then I think the safest approach might be best, baby steps w gp then Ttr then Desire. But if she is ok with the pda and really the top priority is romantic sexy then my answer goes back to desire.
Our first trip to TTR was the first of a kind for us and it wasn't over the top shocking or anything of the sort. By afternoon the first day, top was off and we even participated in events which resulted in complete nakedness at the sexy pool... Was a blast!! Returning for our 2nd trip in 11days Wherever you end up, ENJOY! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We started four years ago at TTR and had a blast, for our second trip to an adult resort we went to DRM and had a blast, the next four trips have been to TTR. We enjoyed immensely DRM and made a lot of friends there, but we kind'a like more the wild vibe at TTR and the lady loves single guys, so what´s a guy to do? That said both resorts have their wild and quite side if you look for it. We´ll be back to Temptation in feb and hopefully in september to DRM. I´d say try TTR first.
It should help give you an idea of the differences, I just minutes ago finished our TTR/Desire RM report. It took me so long to finish it got moved to the trip report page, oops And also did a Desire Pearl / TTR comparison report last year...