This is a topic I read several things about over the years, but haven't really applied any of the precautionary things once we check in. But, since we are staying 8 nights here then 3 nights at Sens, I would like to get feedback on what has worked best for those that have allergies or just sensitive to the room environment in Cancun. Tony will certainly start to get a bit congested, more so when we get home but I know there are things people do when they check in as a preventative. So, give me your best tips! Thanks! Michelle
I feel plain old Lysol spray is best. I've not had a big problem at TTR with it, but traveling in the past,have stayed in some real shitholes and it always works..and is available anywhere. If it's just a little whiff...I'm a fan of real quality Amber resin incense...cuts any smell, leaves a nice long term scent. Even a plain scented candle can work too.
Two prior trips I got a nasty chest infection while at TTR and I rarely get sick. This trip I figured it can't hurt to take precaution right? This was our 11th trip so under suggestion I sprayed the AC vent and the intake vent with Lysol several times during our 10day stay. Usually before we left the room in the AM. I must say it seemed to make a difference to us?
I did the lysol and had a de-humid pack in room, but still didn't help as I also got that nasty chest infection last year as well, last 4 days of 2 weeks, so it was not too bad. Probably got it in the sexy pool, damn body shots. lol
Thats weird I ended up in the hospital for a week just a week after we came back last July with bacterial pneumonia.
Does it spray a stream or a mist or both? My thinking is that most of the mold is in the AC and a mist would probably be the best thing for that.
Just to say we also came back from TTR in November with what the hospital described as bacterial pneumonia consistent with legionaires disease. Both very Ill during the trip (we put down to hangovers and air on cough).. And for a couple of weeks on our return. We could smell the mould on our arrival in the room and the shower was blocked so stuffy water coming up through the drain. We did report it and they came and fixed the shower, we really should have moved rooms but thought it would be ok. Hasn't put us off returning in October though! But any signs of mould and we will be moving rooms this time. Is it possible to buy those sprays in Mexico? We are limited on great med/sprays in the UK!!
Well, because chlorine, especially in a gas form, is very toxic to humans as well so aren't you just trading one evil for another?