Two thumbs up. The wife laughed for 5 minutes after the movie as one part had her in stitches. It wasn't a laugh a minute, but it was worth the price for 90 minutes of light hearted fun...... Plus in my mind, this goes under the romantic comedy nitch for me. Its not one really, but the title makes it one in my book. So I feel I can use it as a ..." Remember, I saw Date Night with you, now you need to go see______ with me!" Jack
Thanks for the endorsement! Now if only I had sitters for three knee-biters...:icon_mrgreen: [ame=]YouTube - Date Night - Official Trailer (HD) - In Theaters 4-9-2010!
Definitely good for a laugh, if that trailer is any indication: I'm making a note of it for when it gets here.
suppose I'll kick it old school and incorporate the legendary Fletch's Movie Review into this post.... I went into the theater hoping for a typical Steve Carell toilet humor movie, and that's somewhat of what I received. This is one of those movies where the trailer kind of gives away a good portion of the funny parts. I wont say I was overly disappointed in the film, but thought the whole plot/story/ending/ was very dry and lacking. I can't stand Tina Fey, never have, and she was especially annoying in this one, but can we all agree that Mark Wahlberg stole the show? haha I mean that not in a homosexual way or anything (ladies I'm sure you enjoyed it) but every time he was in the movie something hilarious happened. In any case, I guess, as I always do I went in there expecting more than I received, and for that, I won't be picking up the DVD when it comes out, might catch it if it makes it to HBO or something but that's about it. Just my opinion, but as always you have to see it for yourselves :aktion014: Fletch's Movie Review :icon_surprised::icon_surprised::icon_surprised::icon_surprised::icon_surprised::icon_surprised: 6 out of 10