I am in contract to purchase a second condo and this time I am considering buying furniture here in Florida and shipping it to Cancun via http://www.hydeshipping.com/ Does anyone know of any good customs agencies (Must speak English). Name and telephone # of agency would he helpful. Orlando from hyde gave me a list of agencies but most I called do not speak English. Also does anyone know any specifics regarding duties and taxes, I do not have an FM2 or 3. I understand the 11% IVA needs tp be paid and from what I can tell an additional 5% on tope of that.
Steve, Orlando Perez probably gave you the contact info on the Broker/Agent on Mojarra is SM 3. I have shipped a couple of cars with Hyde and these folks did what they were supposed to do. Not sure if Hyde still uses this place, nor do I know if they have any English speakers, but I have no hesitation in recommending them, and the same goes for Hyde.
TJ I emailed you a few days ago for more guidance here. You had indicated to me I can bring a vehicle in with FMT no duties or IVA. if I do this would I need to continue keeping vehicle insured in USA and keep registration in USA current? The furniture delivery went fantastic. I found a great registered agent/customs broker who speaks english. 13 days from day everything was dropped off to Hyde until it was delivered to my unit and no duties only IVA. here is his info, he is in plaza hollywood Mike Compeán. MKC Representaciones y Servicios Integrales ph. 998 884 7467 Nextel: 998 185 1343 / I.D. 62*187634*4 email: gerencia@mkcserviciosintegrales.com