IF you are lucky enough to be leaving for Mexico soon, here are the current exchange rates: Dollar and Peso http://finance.yahoo.com/currency-converter/#from=USD;to=MXN;amt=1 Canadian Dollar v Peso http://finance.yahoo.com/currency-converter/#from=CAD;to=MXN;amt=1 British Pound v. Peso http://finance.yahoo.com/currency-converter/#from=GBP;to=MXN;amt=1 Remember this is ONE unit of currency and how many Pesos it takes to be equal. Or reversed it tells you how much a peso is worth in your own currency. Simply divide the number of pesos into one unit of your currecy. For example, with USD take 12.2 and divide into ONE (1 / 12.2) and get about 8.2 cents. Better yet print the pocket guide and put it in your wallet before you leave!
Do you have any idea what the hotels are giving for US and CDN dollars? I see that the rate you posted reflects the strength of the Canadian dollar, but last time we went to Mexico, the hotels did not reflect this so much
Hotels vary and sometimes significantly. It is always best to use an ATM card and get pesos so there is no "funny" math as long as the peso is above 10 to 1 which it currently is. Most hotels post the rate so just make sure that IF you use the hotel the rate is close, like 95% or better and for a smaller amount. For large exchanges it is always better to use an ATM.
Why not get Peso's before you go? I can't imagine what type of exchange rate you get when you use your Canadian or American ATM card at a Mexican ATM. Not to mention the fee your bank will charge for that. I'd suggest finding an American Express travel office or even a currency exchange place in your local mall (if you have one) that will likely sell to you at a better rate than blindly using a Mexican ATM or using the hotel for your exchange. Just my thoughts.
Over the past 9 years that we have been to Temptations, the exchange rate never changes! It doesn't seem to matter what is really going on back at home. I can't remember exactly but the exchange was 10 or 13 pesos for 1 USD and 8 or 9 for 1 Canadian dollar.
Visited somewhere in Mexico for the last 9yrs. Allways purchased a few US dollars and Peso`s before leaving home, for the small things such as tips etc. Charging larger amounts to my credit card, to receive a much better rate of exchange, posted to my card on returning home. :aktion033:
With our Bank, (US), our conversion rate is basically market rate for that day and a three dollar access fee. It is always much better than the hotel. You never need to worry about a bad rate. It is easy to print the guide from Yahoo Finance and put it in your wallet for access if you go shopping. :ernaehrung015: Just days now!!!!
Definatly don't convert at the hotel. We just got some USD for our trip in Feb because it didn't cost us any exchange, and you get more for you USD down there!!