My wife has very limited vision, esp at night. Id like to request from Mgmt a room that is convenient to the sexy pool. And if possible, also the restaurants and entertainment areas. The daytime pool time is most important so she can maneuver freely back and forth to the room. What rooms would you suggest? Our 1st trip to TTR-Cancun. Thanks, Geoff Byrd SunByrds
The daytime pool rooms are for the most part VIP premier rooms. Depending on when you go ( availability ) they may not be an option. They are also considered Ocean Front and premium price . The second best choice would be the rooms around Patio lounge bar,, they would be easier to acquire , because a lot of peopel don't like those because of the noise. The front desk is usually help ful ,, just put a note in your booking , and I,m sure they will help you .
I second Donald's suggestion...after-all, who would argue with Donald? The ground-floor rooms next to Paty'o lounge 2108-2115 would be an excellent choice if you can handle the noise (custom ear plugs are a great travel accessory). You'll get a patio door right onto the grass that leads directly to the sexy pool. Yes, the ground can be a little uneven till you hit the sidewalk, but it's literally 50 steps to the pool out the patio. And the added bonus as Donald also mentioned is that they are not high-demand rooms so you might actually get what you ask for. Nate
All depends on when you go as well. There are some people that'll request the rooms by Paty'o's. Some people like the fact they have a bathroom that is theirs for the week and only theirs unless they want to share, the woman like the convenience of being able to change their outfits. Won't kid you about the noise level we stayed in one our first trip and lasted the one night. This was on a travel day so we were in for an early night. Normally if I can fall asleep I'm dead to the world for whatever reason the music was on a loop and I could not get comfortable. Finally about 2am the music stopped and I thought ok I can sleep now only to encounter the dulcet tones of two guys that had been drinking together and found they really liked one another and proceeded to tell one another at 100 decibels.
I can relate to your wife's problem. I have to use a Cain when I walk because of a war injury in Iraq . I always request bottom floor rooms, the noise from patio's doesn't bother me in the least bit. I'm use to louder noises lol.. But the rooms adjacent to PatiO's are great for getting back and forward to the pool, and if you get to tipsy at the bar, your close to your room safe travels!