So, I got myself a new outfit ready for the do on Friday night and also threw together a few moves to impress the chicks on the dance floor. I took the liberty of filming myself in the affore mentioned outfit throwing down a few practice moves in the back garden.... can you let me know what you think please.......... Ian :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What are you trying to say Jase, my outfit doesnt match or I'm overdoing it with the ' Robot Moves ' halfway thru' my Chick Magnet Routine.... Ian :wink: :wink: :wink:
People have been doing that here at work. It's so funny. But Ian, you picked the girls body. There is a girls and guys body to choose from.... :shock: LOL
Get in the q mate, prefferably to the back behind Dream, Apple, Jessie , Claire, Gemma and ( the new bird posting on the Wii thread :lol: ) . It aint going to happen know matter how much you try and complement my smoooooooth moves and dress sence. Ian :lol: :lol: