Hi TJ - Are you asking about a regular long distance call or a collect call? I believe to make a collect call you dial 020 for domestic calls and 090 for international calls and speak to the operator and request to make a llamada por cobrar (collect call). A regular long distance call is 01 + area code + number for domestic or 001 + area code + number (to the u.s.)
Thanks Gringa, I edited my post after reading your answer. My bad. The 090 is what i was looking for. I am spending a lot of time calling my credit card company due to fraudulent charges being made. The Vonage is hit and miss as to quality and I don't want to pay for what is a free offer of calling collect if you are out of the country. I am on my third credit card in 6 weeks. 3 tickets on Jet blue in May; 5 on Southwest in June. July was the mother lode. 5 on Delta, 3 on US AIrways and one on Spirit. But card #3 has not been compromised yet.
phone T.J., I can't help you with calling collect, but I'm just curious as to how your cards became compromised. That's scary. I use my credit and debit cards here all the time and just want to know if there is some scam I'm not aware of (like I'm so "in the know" on credit card scams). Susan
Susan, I have no clue how this happened. Some of the transactions appear to originate in Florida but 200 miles from my home there. Others are connected to Altanta. What was surprising was how fast my first replacement card was compromised. No way was it from my mailbox as I got it the day it arrived. My credit card bills come online only. But why me? Delta's security officer was really good. She gave me names, flight numbers, dates, etc. They intercepted one passenger at the Atlanta airport who gave them info on how she got the ticket. Delta has some program that spits out info on names of passengers that are connected with prior ticket fraud. The security gal checked it from her home on a Saturday morning, did all kinds of reverse searches and came up with my home phone in FL. Pretty diligent employee. My credit card company is good about getting the charges off my account. This card is thru Spirit Air but administered by a bank, although I am sure Spirit is involved from the way they talk. LIke more to a passenger than a bank customer. I have no clue what I am doing wrong, if anything, or how this is happening. It is freaking me out that they may be able to access my banks accounts in the same manner, but so far, so good. It would be a mess if they tapped into some of my multi million $$ bank accounts. LOL Some of the passengers did not show up for flights on both Delta and Southwest. Not sure about Jet Blue and Spirit.
TJ TJ, Wow! That's scary and very odd. I wonder how a new card could be compromised almost immediately? Very strange. Anyway, good luck with that situation. It sounds like a nightmare, considering you've changed cards and it keeps happening. Let us know how it turns out and if you find out how it happened in the first place. Susan