Yikes! Cincinnati is number 6! :blueshock: http://realestate.msn.com/Buying/Article_forbes.aspx?cp-documentid=5289041&;GT1=10341
Those percentages are absolutely crazy. I can't even imagine handing over that amount of money just to get to work.
I live outsde of Cincinnati so I'm not sure that they'd say I'm paying that cost to get to work. Although most people that work in downtoiwn Cincy don't live there so who knows. I admit I spend a lot of money on gas for the car each week but I'm driving to and from and court everyday...several times a day and it adds up. But I didn't really think it was anything totally outrageous...and never even considered figuring out what % of my income actually goes towards making that income.
For kicks I just figured out my percentage. Right now I pay about 4% of my income for commuting expenses. That just includes gas and tolls though, not any kind of vehicle maintenance figures.
The other thing to factor in is your commute time. Multiply how many hours per week you are travelling between home and work and multiply that by the # of years you expect to work. In some ways that becomes more expensive.