Hi there everyone, I must say one thing i have noticed about these forums and discussions about this resort is how friendly everyone is. Nice to see that everyone is just out to have a great time and share some helpful tips. Well we are three guys from chicago, (all in the medical field....think greys anatomy...ha) headin down to temptations for the first time on march 10-14. Was a lil skeptical about bein singles but you all have eased my concerns....... thanks. P.S. ladies be sure and find us!
DAMN! That's just our luck! We are missing McDreamy and McSteamy AND a load of firefighters by a matter of days!
Guys, I wonder if you will be on the same plane as us?? We leave Chitown on the 10th at 12:20 (A.M.) Looks like our wolf pack just grew by 3 ha!! Thats a line from the Hang Over... I am guessing a bunch of Male Nurses???
Turns out we booked the wrong time girls, I'm going Apr 5-12 !!! I'm sure there will be lots of single hot guys during our visit. For future reference boys, I'll be back with 2 single girlfriends most likely the first week in October. I'll keep ya posted if ya like...
hey guys, actually we leave chitown at 9 am i think. Ha, yeah i guess our wolfpack did grow....im sure we'll meet up down there. (three docs btw....not that there is anythin wrong with male nurses! )
WTF......sexymedic.......im changing our trip dates, how can we pass up doctors, firefighters, and medics? we should have checked this site out before we booked....damn it!!! I want in that wolf pack....love, love that movie!!! Who let the dogs out.....hahahahaha....Allan kills me!!!!
I think I am going to watch that movie today just for some good laughs.. Only 2 more days, and We'll be in TTR....