Say hello and have drinks and lunch with Chinos and other TTR friends on Saturday July 25 at Bakers & Hale Restaurant in Godfrey, IL. Bakers & Hale is located at 7120 Montclair Ave, in Godfrey, IL, and is right off exit 20 on I-255. We will be on the patio which has a full bar and great food. Bakers & Hale info can be found on FB or Chinos will be there from 11:00 am until 1:30 pm. Bakers & Hale will also donate 20% of all sales from our group Support Chinos and the kids with all proceeds going to the kid's charity. The event will be a lot of fun, and hopefully our fundraising efforts do very well. Send me a PM if you have any questions.
Looking forward to seeing some of you on Saturday. Chinos will also have the CCFC masks and wristbands for sale.