Cheat on him/her

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by u2j, Nov 14, 2005.


If there was no chance your partner would find out, would you cheat on him/her?

  1. Yes, I would

  2. No, I would not

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  1. u2j

    u2j Guest

    +0 / 0
    I would love if everyone would participate in this poll. I think it is interesting.

    If there was no chance your partner would find out, would you cheat on him/her?

    if you would like to share your opinion, by all means go ahead.
  2. NPZ

    NPZ Guest

    +0 / 0
    I wouldnt do it. Its just not my style.
  3. Brookers13

    Brookers13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    i vote no...ive been cheated on too much...besides..theres never "no chance of them finding out"...i would rat on myself for sure...
  4. jtslav

    jtslav Guest

    +0 / 0
    It depends....if she was just like a f*ck partner, sure why not, its not like we are an exclusive type of thing....

    If i actually loved someone and we were a couple, no i wouldnt...but seeing how ive never been in love, cant say no to this either....I would like to think i wouldnt though
  5. u2j

    u2j Guest

    +0 / 0
    lol, you say that from previous experience, like you have ratted yourself out before. hahaha
  6. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh yougotta vote yes people..COme on... :?
  7. Shezzman

    Shezzman Guest

    +0 / 0
    Joe mate. . . Message me if u got things on ur mind. . il chat wi u
  8. Brookers13

    Brookers13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    no i havent cheated...but i got with a guy who was dating someone else...andi told her...i dont like having that hanging over me...i a bitch....

    dream: i was taking this as seriously being in love with someone....if that wasnt the might be different...but i just know what it feels like to be cheated on...not good!!!....but thats why its good to be single 8) no worries :lol:
  9. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0
    -------> Cannot cheat on a real bf.
  10. NPZ

    NPZ Guest

    +0 / 0
    I take cheating very seriously. I've been cheated on alot of time and its not fun at all.
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