Hi everyone Angie here ( Zoran is sleeping he works so hard to spoil me) just checking our the site and I didn't find a post for us yet this year. I believe Ibiza Sue is just opening up for the season in Spain and I think we usually wait on her to get things rolling however I am feeling rather eager knowing that a few of our crew are currently enjoying some time as April Addicts and although I won't begrudge anyone their vacation I sure wish it were us. So as some of you know Zoran caved and we bought in during our last visit so we will be returning as members for the first time which changes a lot about our trip planning, we used to book all in one plane room insurance transfers etc. This time it is all new and I am a bit nervous about coordinating the flights, transfers and room but am sure I will figure it out I already know everyone recommends USA Transfers so I am ahead there. Anyhow I don't want to be the one doing the theme night planning I just want to start on costumes, we are looking at around 10 to 12 days between Nov 24th ish and Dec 10th ish what are your dates ? Are your dates booked or hoped for dates? Looking forward to chatting soon xoxo Angie and Zoran ( in Dreamland):aktion069::lotsofmichaelfs:
This is what I got got from Christa... 25th -LBD/kink 26 - lingerie 27 - white/glow 28 - red/Xmas 29 - super hero 30 - animal 1 - random 2 -LBD/kink 3 - lingerie 4 - white/glow 5 - red/Xmas 6 - dress to impress 7 - uniform 8 - random 9 -LBD/kink 10 - lingerie 11 - white/glow 12 - red/Xmas
Most of us don't spend a lot of time on here until closer to November, but we do have a group on Facebook. I added you to it Angie
Thanks for the invite to the secret group we have not picked our dates yet better get on that I guess just checking everyone else's dates first
Hi Angie! We've been keeping an eye on the theme nights, and I've done some online window shopping thus far, but that's about it, since we only confirmed today. We'll be there 11/27-12/5. Don't stress over the costumes, and don't stress about the travel arrangements. We usually end up booking everything separately. USA Transfers is awesome!
hi angie, I did start one as usual beginning of january, and we were all chatting on it..but I have been really busy since bar opened in april so not been on it for a while, sure someone can give you a link to it... i am booked 26th nov to 10th dec xxx:aktion033: strange i cant seem to find it in search???