Hi Everyone. My wife is curious if the champagne served is "real" champagne or is it a sparkling wine? Thanks. (Certainly not a deal breaker, just curious).
The champagne they serve, most likely is not, but for a small fee they will be happy to sell you some real stuff
Technically champagne only comes from champagne France so most likely what you drink at home is sparkling wine(just probably not the cheap crap that most all inclusive serve). I wouldn't bank on that being your drink of choice unless you bring your own or have mimosas.
If its the same brand the staff use to give away they called it shitty when we were there in March it seemed everyone was drinking it ..I didn't mind saved the booze for me we were given a glass a dinner from a friend for a toast .. I couldn't drink it , told the hubs maybe if we dropped a strawberry in there it would be better the drunks said it was good .. hubs and I were fairly sober .. so maybe get drunk first and then taste it lol