While in Jamaica last year we were able to "text" home. I seem to remember we were able to call home from one of the islands in the past few years....may have been Cancun. We have ATT service. Anyone know if we can reach the states with ATT cell's?
yes its about 67 cents a minute- sure beats the $45-50 for a land line call. call att & setup inter. calling.
text is 25 cents from ATT if you get the mexico calling. sign up for a month a couple of days before you leave. and dont cancel for a couple of weeks after u get back (for lagging bills from mexico). great reception.
I also have AT & T. I can send and receive text messages with no problems as well as cell phone calls. I can also retrieve my voice mail messages. You need to call AT & T first to make sure that you are enabled for international roaming. Ironically I get a killer reception in Cancun !! Much better than here in LA. I have never had anything lower than 5 bars !!