My girl and i both have verizon cell phones. Will they work in Cancun, and will be charged for international charges? Do we have to get international plans? Too all who answer questions. Thanks! How can we catch up with some of you guys while at the resort. Where is the best place to socialize, I heard the pool bar? Is it really that crowded and hard to get a drink? Kevin
Just got back from our trip and we have verizon. we had to call customer service to have them turn on international roaming. Then you have to dial *228 to activate it. All this has to be done before you leave for your trip!! Then it is .99cents a min to call. .05cents to receive texts and .50 cents to send texts.
Kwalker...I find the best place to meet up with friends as well as meeting new ones is the SEXY POOL!!! :xyxthumbs: And it's not hard to get a drink...:beer4:
I also have verizon and as the first post said you need to call to activate international roaming before you go but we used our phones no problem and had pretty decent reception but when you call home your number dosent show up on the caller ID an international number comes up, threw lots of our family off they didn't recognize the number so they wouldn't answer, just a heads up! Have a great trip, we will be there august 19-24!
No worries about meeting people Kevin... TTR is unusal in that respect. Unlike most hotels the entertainment staff stirs up the crowd so people just naturally talk to each other. Like when you walk up to the bar for a drink. At most hotels you'll maybe nod to the person standing next to you, order your drink and head back to your chair. At TTR you're most likely going to get into a converstation with 3 to 4 people, end up doing shots, and your girlfriend will come looking for you because you've been gone for an hour and she wants her drink! If all else fails, look for the folks having the most fun.. walk up and ask them if they are from Cancuncare. Most likely they are, it not what the hell party with them anyway and we'll find you. Jamie