What's going on guys. As far as what you gota carry I'm thinking a little waterproof bag in my board shorts with room key and some cash during the day, and at night taking my wallet and phone. question. are cellphones really used in cancun on spring break? Should I even bother ever bringing my phone outside the hotel room? I'm thinking it would be good for getting in contact with my group if need be and getting chicks #'s on the beach to meet up later for clubbing and fun. when I think about it more though I doubt getting chicks #'s really happens im guessing you just talk about where your meeting up later ext. and if my group gets sepperated who cares were all havin a blast anyway. so what do you guys typically carry with you when you leave the hotel for day excursions and for night excursions? p.s also do you guys carry a camera with you on spring break? seems like itl be a pain luggin somthing extra around, yet necessary for capturing the awesome/crazy time il probably not remember anyway lol