Boating under the influence.,0,5997511.story How often is ANYONE charged with THAT??!! :lol: Not to say that boaters are immune from being drunk at the wheel, cause many are.....I've just never heard of anyone actually getting arrested for it. At most, you get a warning not to drive the boat anymore, and to put on your life vest...then they leave you alone. (it's a misdemeanor for cryin out loud!) So what should the bears do with him now? Keep him, trade him, dump him? Michelle
They're really cracking down on Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) here in Texas. In fact, if you blow a .08 while driving a boat that has a motor greater than 50 hp, you automatically lose your driver's license. Multiple convictions can get you up 10 years in prison. Marsh
I was surprised that it is only a B-Misdemeanor. Tru-TV (used to be Court TV) has programs on now that center around beach locales. One of them seems to spend a lot of time at Lake Havasu on the Arizona/California border. Every time I watch it, they are always hooking people up for BWI. A BWI seems kind of lame after the Minnesota Vikings incident on Lake Minnetonka. :lol: Send him up to the Vikes.
Sounds like there is another side to the story, yet to be told.,0,2663041.story Michelle
Jeff Cartwright, the father of the girl who called home to report what was happening has finally posted a comment in the comments section regarding this incident. This guy has NO reason to lie about what actually happened, nor does his daughter. Michelle
Who knows where this one is going? I did find this a little enlightening though when I looked through some other news tidbits about Cedric. Some of the articles discuss his previous arrests. One was for Possession of Marijuana (not much of a shocker), but the other was for Criminal Trespass. He allegedly kicked down somebody's door in Austin back in 2003 because he thought his $15,000 plasma television was in their apartment. Ummmm, how many college students do you know that possess a $15,000 television? Sort of reminds me of that old Movie, "Johnny Be Good". I know that it probably happens at universities across the country, but come on... a $15,000 TV! :lol: So much for being discreet about the money you are receiving from "anonymous" sources.