Cancuncare Party 19th March Report and Pics

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Steve, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Last nights party was a little different to last weeks. Not so many people, but the 21 of us that did go out had a great time again - Boo! to the no shows!.

    Corona Bar was again the starting venue and although quiet to begin with it ended up being livelier than last week. Jtslav was in attendance and didn't even punch anyone :) He managed to get about 10 different kinds of shots in. No beer for that guy, just neat alcohol. I joined him in one or two and particularly remember the one he called a "snakebite". In England a snakebite is cider and lager, this one was whisky and tequila - ouch!

    Lots of fun in Corona Bar and because we didn't have so many people but had the same amount of staff (about 5 guys - no need to go to the bar just tell the guy what you want and he brings it right back for you) the drinks flowed much faster than last week. Matty and Gary showed up for a while but Matty is still skint and couldn't afford to come along for the whole night - he managed to blag a few free beers anyway though.

    After Corona, a change in venue. Last week we went to Carlos N Charlies, but since then Sr Frogs has reopened and that was our next stop. A coach pulls up outside Corona and in we all get, bypass the lines to Frogs and have a bar tender who (unlike many at Frogs) actually wants to serve drinks! More shots and beers continue. A few contests going on and then its time to leave for The City.

    Back in our own private bus and we arrive at The City about midnight. 200 people queuing outside, but nahh we don't do queues so in we all go within moments of arriving. A quick bathroom stop and our VIP area is all set up. On reflection Sunday is not the best day of the week to do these parties, it's many peoples day off and last week the shows were not as frequent as I would have liked. This week there were more shows going on and the club was actually busier. Michelle seemed to have a thing about vaulting balconies and almost put Gollum to shame with her indecision about which level to be on. Service was great, one of the guys running back and forth between us and the bar all night long - he certainly earned his tip.

    About 2:30 a large group of Mexican girls arrived at the tables adjacent, much to the lads approval. But time for us to go home and sleep, we are all old you know.

    Here are the pics:




    I need to know who this guy is, he was great fun and def from the forum but I cant remember his name. He was life and soul of the party.


    JtSlav (Justin)



    Bus on the way to Frogs:


    The new swimming pool at Frogs - to be filled later this week:

    Arrival at The City:

    Isabelle and Michelle with one of the staff:

    Justin and Jannet:

  2. Kait13

    Kait13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    aweeee looks like yall had soo much fun!!! glad to see isabelle and justin got to meet up! yay
  3. Jlow511

    Jlow511 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Looks like a great time wished I coulda been there Ya'll remembered to have a drink for me didn't ya?
  4. Liz

    Liz Guest

    +0 / 0
    Looks like a blast!!
  5. Jlow511

    Jlow511 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Is this Tacoma 101 ? I'm just judging from his avatar but it's a small pic of him.
  6. Greta

    Greta Guest

    +0 / 0


  7. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Well well we missed some hotties at the party...
  8. apple

    apple Guest

    +0 / 0
    aparenlty :evil:

    looks like a great time!
  9. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yeah it does...(sigh)
  10. apple

    apple Guest

    +0 / 0
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