Friday 22nd April - Boobs Cruise to Isla Mujeres We hope to run the famous cancuncare Boobs Cruise on Friday 22 April. The boat we use is a 52 foot catamaran, comes fully crewed, and all your drinks are free all day long, lunch is provided too. For an idea of what's in store first you should check out our official Cancuncare booze cruise video below: YouTube - Cancun Booze Cruise Please pay your deposit via this link[/B] You can not buy 'tickets' at the hotel for this cruise. If you ask the tour guys, they will sell you a ticket but it wont be for our boat. Visa is accepted but I would recommend cash, preferably USD rather than pesos. Meet at 9.15 am at the front of the hotel returning about 5:30pm. This is open to anyone who posts on cancuncare and their group. Also, please feel free to invite friends you may meet once at Temptations. You do not need to be staying at Temptations to join us, but this cruise is adults (18+) only. There are no group orgies but you should not be offended by topless ladies or adult humour. Please add your first names and include the number in your group.
6 deposits received so far, 9 days to go to hit 25 deposits paid to get this trip confirmed. sithsister (2) lifesgood (2) rightstuff15 (2)
We do have another running on the 16th. It's officially full already but if you want to show up in the morning we almost always have a few no shows so there will likely be some spots available on the day.
10 deposits received so far, 8 days to go to hit 25 deposits paid to get this trip confirmed. sithsister (2) lifesgood (2) rightstuff15 (2) nccouple (2) Lyndon&Shayla (2)