Okay, this makes me furious: one kid passed out two years ago and got attacked on the resort grounds... and the news is blowing it up into a caution about drug violence in Cancun. I couldn't find the connection between this attack and drug war to save my life? TODAY Video Player
@summerbum: Welcome to OUR reality, as locals... The saddest one Ive seen about Cancun was FAUX news, a few years back: They did a compilation(pictures), consisting of spring-breakers in bikins and dead bodies from the northern part of the country... Cant remember the name of the piece, but the segment was about "spring-break in hell" or something like that. The best part? Someone identified the street-signs in the pics as they were from Ciudad Juarez and other northern cities... Guess the editing team at FAUX forgot to blur/erase the signs in the pics
If anyone has a brain of their own, they would look at the us travel advisories, and see that Cancun nor anywhere near us is listed as a dangerous place. We all know its safe, as do all you whom come here and know what to expect. Unfortunately, there are too many ignorant fools who count on the media to control their lives. And also, its Spring Break and news like this happens every year. It angers me as well, but I don't think there is anything any of us can do; other then brag about your vacations and tell the haters to crawl back into their shell.
If there is a positive to 'news' stories like this you do tend to filter out the segment of the population that wonders why the locals speak 'Mexican' rather than english!
just watched that dame video again and it got me even more angry. I am so happy I do not live in the US. The lengths these reporters will go for a story are frightening. Maybe Zeek, or whatever his name is should't have drunk so much he passed out at the pool. I work for a hotel, I can 99% honestly say, I do not think it was a hotel worker nor a local. BUT, I am sure I am in the minority on that one.