In town yes. Not from the airport. One thing about Mexican cabs I always do is to negotiate or just flat out tell them what you'll pay up front or you'll be gouged at the end of your trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Negotiate for sure. Try to get them in ear shot of another cabby, sometimes they will bid themselves down for the job.
Yes we took multiple cabs...seems like the going rate is $12. If you go to the flea market....tell them You will find a cab to get back on...we learned our lesson..he said he'd come back in 2 hours to get us....he waited for us!!!!and it was $40!!! But what do ya do...we didn't know any better.
Also if your referring to from the airport to the resort...yes I have done it that way...not sure what they charge...and you can always stop somewhere along the way if you want! So that's's easy just hop in a cab and tell them what resort
If you're just going around downtown I think the busses are fine. One US dollar takes you down the whole strip pretty much! They are every few minutes too.
To the airport isnt bad but you'll get gouged pretty bad leaving the airport to the resort. There is only one cab company allowed to pick up at the airport so they can charge whatever they want. USA Transfers is a better option. You'll find their link on these pages and they provide excellent service.
A cab from Temptations to Playa Del Carmen, having him wait for about an hour, then taking you back to Temptations is about $100. Moral of the story is don't forget your passport at another resort.