When you check out from Golden Parnassus, do they let you stay a little longer, maybe a couple of hours? We were at Desire RM in August and while we checked out at 11am, they said we could stay at the resort until 6pm! It was like a free half-day! This was great because our shuttle came at around 1pm and it was nice having lunch and drinks still at the resort (for "free", rather than leaving the resort and paying out of pocket for everything) We will be at the Golden Parnassus in January 2017 and our return flight leaves Cancun at 5pm So if the shuttle picks us up at 3pm, could we still hang out at the GP until then?
When we were there a couple years ago, they cut off your bands when you check out in the morning, but you're able to still use the resort, and their facilities.
Call the resort. I'm sure they would be happy to answer your questions. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk