Hi all. Here's the scoop. I have type 1 diabetes and travel with my insulin pump and remote meter. Last year leaving Cancun I had a bit of "lost in translation" trying to explain that my pump/meter can't go through x-ray. Can someone translate the fact about my condition and the no x-ray requirement? Thanks My only concern now is that I get a bunch of replies and they're all different. :bounce: Jimmy
Good translation. The problem is saying it so it is understood. I suggest you write it down and show it to them. Now whether they can or will pay any attention to you is something else.
I have had good luck using this translation site when IMing with friends in Cancun: http://www.freetranslation.com/
the best site I found is http://www.wordreference.com. There are many languages you can choose from and to. There is also a (or several) forums, I mostly use it French <-> English, the forum gives smart translations when it is a bit tricky, either way.
Jimmy, Print the following: A quien corresponda, Tengo diabetes tipo 1 y necesito viajar con mi bomba de insulina. Favor de no pasarla por el scanner, pues los rayos x pueden daƱarla. Por su comprensiĆ³n y ayuda, muchas gracias. Atentamente, Jimmy