Bull-torture protest!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by rawkus, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Tonight we will gather at Plaza del Toros at 7pm to peacefully(we have permission from the Municipality) protest against the ongoing torture, know to many as "bull-fighting".

    If interested in joining, show up at 7pm, wearing all white(if possible) and bring a candle that can be held when lit.
  2. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    How did it go Rawkus?
  3. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Question for you all. I am going to play the ignorance card here cuz I simply do not know that much about the culture past and/or present.

    I understand and welcome the idea of protecting animals from cruel and unusual punishment/torture. I however also do understand the inherent need to continue centuries old traditions as to not loose them to our even growing culture. Is "bull fighting" that big of a cultural endeavor that it warrants to be continued? Something like saying to most countries in 100 years that we will no longer play football(soccer). Could we imagine a world without soccer right now?

    I am not trying to compare the magnitude of the situation to playing soccer but yet the magnitude of how important something in our society is that we all rally around and finding if that if "bull fighting" is that integrated into a society and stabilizes a culture in their roots, is it worth an animals life?
  4. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    I appreciate your question/comment.

    IMHO, bull fighting is a big part of Mexican culture, like turning any direction from any lane, cutting lines with no respect to others, etc.

    I just choose not to participate in any way. The tickets to last night's "event" were as much as $1,500 MXN. A friend told me this on Friday as he had friends who wanted to go.

    I went once about 25 years ago and that did it for me. We did not stay for the whole thing.

    There was discussion on this subject years ago on this forum or maybe another one. In Spain, many bullrings have simply closed due to lack of business or the real estate being better used for a McDonalds or something.

    A friend often tells me that "people can vote with their feet" meaning just don't support it. I find it incorrect to protest as a foreigner things that are or may be of governmental origin. There are laws against it in fact. A few years ago I was asked by friends to dress all in white and we walked along Bonampak in some sort of anti-violence rally. I was later told that this was not a good idea. Just sayin'.

    A nice post you made. Makes ya think.
  5. motorave49

    motorave49 Newbie Registered Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    I would suggest reading James Michener's "Mexico" to get a feel for the whole Spain/Mexico/bullfighting deal. Not only insightful, but a good read.
  6. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    The only reason I question things about the matter is not to create a debate on the matter only to obtain a better understanding of what the culture and background is of a nation/government and it's people.

    I know and love my country and understand that there are things that have gone by the way side due to political agendas. The US is a much different beast though in that most of it's citizen come from different backgrounds, even from generations ago. My grandmother, a full blooded Italian, ws raised in a house where the spoke their native tongue when around other family members, but were told to speak English as that would be their new language. That is the one part of my culture that I hate.

    I love the thought of being around people with all different backgrounds and learning from them and what makes their lives so much different and enjoyable from mine. I can only think what it, my life would be like if my family remained their native language and traditions. Would I be bilingual? Would I have a better understanding of my heritage rather than having to learn of it in a school book? I would HATE to see the rest of the world fall into a slump of which we are all just cut from the same cloth and have only simple differences.
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    T.J.: It went well. Got some interesting reactions, but, as suspected, it mostly involved all but nice words, gestures and some lighters and beers cans being hurled at us.

    And you are correct: As foreigners we are not legally allowed to participate in ANY kind of manifestation, be it about animals, orphans, violence etc. Yesterday I had the pleasure of having a INM friend there(her sister is my dogs vet) as well as two friends from the Cancun Police.

    sweetchildomine: Its hard to compare with for example soccer, football or any other sport that consists of voluntary participation.

    It would be interesting to see a "fair" fight: No weapons, no rounded off horns, not keeping the involuntary participant(bull) in complete darkness before the fight and sometimes many hours before even being driven to the arena just to be humiliated and in the end(most cases, not all) killed.

    Put the "fighter" and the bull in the ring, without equipment and Id buy a season ticket, for sure ;)

    I dont believe in protecting torture, cruelty and murder under the word "culture". Calling it that, doesnt change the fact that we nowadays know very well how much suffering the animals go through.

    If the participants want to fight, then there is a boxing club on every second corner in this country.

    Violence against animals goes hand in hand with human murder. A majority of serial killers started out with animals, and in the end taking the leap up to humans.

    In the year of 2013 us as humans should have come further than we are today, if you ask me.

    Spain has, state by state, started banning bull-torture. Not sure how many states/cities that still remain, but they are getting fewer and fewer. In Mexico City there is a discussion about the same topic, and if all goes well it will be banned there as well.

    The last 3 years Ive been volunteering with dogs rescued from fighting. Both fighters and bait-dogs(not going to describe, as the word should make it clear...). "Surprisingly", most people involved in both dog-fighting and cock-fighting are also involved with bull-fighting, except that the dog-part is highly illegal... Since 2007 Ive been working with the Municipality and other Govt branches to reinstate the part of the law-book that covers Animal Cruelty. We are getting REALLY close and some changes are already in effect.

    Street by street, block by block, basically... :)
  8. CancunDentist

    CancunDentist Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Bull fighting is basically a Spanish tradition inherited to Mexico. However I read in a newspaper that 85% of the people they asked in a poll were against it, so it seems it is an interest ($$$) business just for some.
    I personally believe any torture for any being is totally unnecessary.
  9. Chris&Tammy

    Chris&Tammy Guru Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    The real estate being better used for a McDonald's? Something just doesn't sound right about that in this thread............

    Good questions Scott.
  10. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Rawkus- Please don't misinterpret my questioning. I am merely seeking information and starting conversation. I completely agree with you in that animal torture is not welcome in certain instances. This is one of them. For you to say that you would by season tickets to the thought of a "fair fight" would seems pretty fruitless as I think we both know how that could work out. It seems like you are more for the betterment of animals more so than humans?

    I am an avid hunter and sportsman and killing animals is the main point of that. However I was taught that you never kill anything that you do not intend to eat and you also make sure that if you are going to kill something that it MUST BE a clean kill. If the animal is suffering, you need to end it as fast as possible. This may sound barbaric, but it is basic survival skills being maintained throughout generations for the fear that our civilizations will become so inept that we no longer know how to do anything other than eat what is put in front of us and consider it food... like "mcdonalds".

    Do I think it is wrong that bulls are stabbed hundreds of times just to irritate them and make a spectacle for onlookers, yes! The reason for my statement above was for likening the "culture" through my own experiences. I have no clue what the origins and background of the "sport" of bull fighting is and I won't pretend to but it begs the question where in the culture did this stem from and where did it turn to "sport" from basic survival if that was the case.

    I could not see myself trying to go out and take down a bull moose armed with nothing but a rock that I picked up in the woods. That is what has evolved us as far as we have. The people that have started their serial killing spree on animals are not right in the head to begin with and wouldn't even view the bull fighting as sport. To them it would be more of a thrill factor where they get their jollies, go home and masturbate over the thought of it. I think, we as humans have traveled down somewhat of a wrong path, looking for cheap entertainment. However, when it comes to "torture" in the name of science and pushing our species further I can agree somewhat, so long as it isn't more than necessary...but once again, who is to judge what is necessary!??
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