Melinda and the kids are in Germany right now and their return flight on Sunday got cancelled. I thought that I would pass this on, in case anyone has booked a flight on BA. Marsh
Would,'y fly BA aways too expensive and no direct flights from UK now. From UK it cost us just £327 return each with another airline. BA want that each way. Vote with your feet I say. When the over paid cabin crew are without jobs and perks of free flights then maybe they will understand and get real.....
The BA cabin crew are a bunch of tossers. They are already very very well paid compared to others in their field. BA have to make cutbacks as have many many companies across the world, they should feel grateful they still have a job unlike millions of others who've lost theirs during the global recession.
they have been told if they went on strike they would lose the travel perks good then lets see how much they complain about the price never used then never will
Tossers !!!!!! that is a very strong word. anyway the strike is all about changes which will affect many by being made unemployed so what you are saying is they should just get paid of and put on the scrapheap without fighting back. as for overpaid you are well out of touch with the real world mate with the rate of inflation here plus a wage freeze for two years how do they pay their bills. as for recession what global recession if it was not for greedy bankers in the good old usa on the fiddle and likewise here with fatcat bonuses there would have been no problem many airlines have went to the wall now caused by greedy companies who were holding their assets as is the case with fly globespan if you care to read about it
you say under payed bet they get more than i do remember when the truckers made a stand over fule and pay well i hold a class 1 and i just been offered a job on an artic £6.00 phr and the one im in not much better with no perks
well I for one totally think you are well underpaid and deserve a lot more but believe me its not the likes of people like yourself or cabin crew that the public should be shooting down but the fat cats that reap all the bonuses even when companies are at a loss. hope life really improves for you my friend. it is people like yourself I hate to see being treated like lepers.
Yup... another case when it's all the USA's fault. We're the only country in the world with greedy people. Damn I wish we could be more like you.... Jamie