Juners......this note is for you.........bring a soccer ball for the Cancun children when you come in June. Promote youth sports and physical fitness!
soccer that is a fantastic idea........if you all hit the market down there and hand them out to the kids they would love that!!!!!!!!!!!
There is an organization that will collect any toys and school supplies and get them to kids that need them. I've emailed them to find out where we could drop them off. I wouldn't suggest just going into town to hand stuff out randomly.
good call good call .....i have done in the past but one thing that may be good to is to ask the staff at resort ...alot of them have kids and would love to bring a soccerball home to their kids to play with....
Toys and/or school supplies can be dropped off at either the Hard Rock Cafe or the Needful Things bookstore on Avenida Coba in the center of town near Walmart. Nancy stops by every two weeks or so to collect what has been dropped off. Their official site is: [FONT="]www.giveatoygetasmile.org[/FONT] [FONT="]A hundred years from now It will not matter What my bank account was, The sort of house I lived in Or the kind of car I drove But the world may be different Because I was important In the life of a child [/FONT]