Newbie here heading down with some friends to TTR from Nov 10-15th. I was wondering what are some MUST DO drinks and shots (besides Tequilla aka To-Kill-Ya). Also, what are some foods and drinks to steer clear of - I don't want any Montezuma's revenge putting a damper on my trip. Is the ice in the drinks anything to worry about?:huh:
Not too much to worry about. Might be a good idea to have some pepto/immodium etc in case the oils etc cause indigestion as can happen to some people. On the resort the water and ice are fine, knock yourself out. For drinks there is always the purple shit or just look at the bartender and ask him to suprise you. That's always fun. I'll be getting in on the 14th so feel free to say hi.
Take some pepto with you, on the first sign, take it! Eat good bacteria for breakfast, i.e. yogurt. I travel for my job and always "battled" the different food in different regions syndrome until I started this practice. Also pineapple is good for you. I also went to the doc and got some cipro (sp?) anti-biotic, but didn't need it.
FLHX Hog's advice is excellent. You can also take acidophilis supplements for two weeks leading up to the trip. As for drinks, the frozen sex on the beach was awesome, and the wet pussy shots are famous! There is a great variety of food, so you will find plenty you like that's "safe."
the mexican Blow Jobs are good..... my wife couldn't get enough of and the after afects are great....LOL
Tip and tip well - it won’t be forgotten, trust me! Before you leave get at least $100-$200 in ones. If you tip well you will be taken care of just like anywhere else in the world. Tip at every bar, tip when you eat and take care of the staff who clean your room, they like that to and will keep your room stocked and plenty of clean towels and water! Food – No problems here at all but don’t let stories of I ate something bad scare you. When you’re drinking all day and out in the sun and then drinking all night, after a few days of course you may feel bad. If you normally don’t eat it, don’t start. It may be hard to do after smelling the hamburgers cooking at 2AM at Pati O’s. Water – Don’t forget about water! Drink it and drink plenty, bring it to the pool and in between drinks, drink water any chance you can (bottled!) Booze – I like Vodka and cranberry however the cranberry they used must be like a powdered drink mix or something. After a few your mouth is stain red whereas normal cranberry juice doesn’t do that. If you ask for a specific brand and tip well you will get a better drink! Ask for a Gin and tonic and you will get well gin, ask for a beefeater and tonic and your good to go. One more… Sun screen – bring it and make sure you use it! If you have short hair, work it in to your scalp, forehead, nose and top of your ears. A few hours at the pool and dozen trips to the bar will make you forget to use it or to keep putting it on. Also sun screen cost like $35 down there!