I have seen some posts that a tentative date for the Boobs Cruise is Dec 16th which is the date we get there, meaning we will miss it! :cry: Will there be another one that week? It was so much fun last time I definitely want to do it again!!! Cheers!
Going by the roll call it seems this period is pretty quiet with forum members. This is usual as we run up to Christmas. We need 25 minimum to run a cruise. If we can get the numbers then I'll put another date on, but I think it will be tough going. Please post here if you are interested in a cruise between 16-23rd
Hi Steve, I saw elsewhere that you indicated the only way to book the Boobs Cruise was through cancuncare - does the resort also offer a weekly cruise? When I was there in February I booked through the resort - and it was the cruise with Omar and Chinos.
The hotel did run a copycat cruise for a few months earlier this year. That closed down as they didn't control the number of single guys and usually had way too many which put the couples off. Also there was a falling out with Chinos and Omar because the sales guys kept telling folks Chinos would be there when they knew he was away having medical treatment. They have recently started up another copycat style cruise but Chinos and Omar dont work on it, it's on a smaller boat and you have to pay extra for drinks at lunch time and extra for your reef tax. I dont think there is a set day, I think they look for when we are busy and put one on a few days before. lol.