Could it be possible that there are others interest in a cruise between these dates? I'm coming back for a week and I loveee my boobs cruises! If you are traveling between May 6th and May 14th and are interested in a cruise, please post below! I know it's very last minute but.... a girl can have hope right? Count me in for TWO! woooo!!! lol -Hallie aka Hammie :announce:
Not gonna happen I'm afraid Hammie. I had a thread up for a cruise on May 11, let it run for a good few days and no takers at all.
damn! lol. Well if anything changes you have me and my boyfriend! Thanks regardless though! You guys are so amazing and twice as awesome for providing us with so much fun! I will return for 2 weeks the end of july to beginning of August! Fingers def crossed then for a Boobs Cruise. I think I may have 6 in for that one!
Yeah, I'm a little bit bummed since we get there on the 11th. Steve, have you ever thought about publishing tentative dates months out to allow people that really want to go allow them to book their trip according to cruise? Maybe you have tried this before... We are new-b's.
I've thought about it, but really the cruises are scheduled to demand and I cant really assess the demand until a month or so out. I'd hate for someone to book their trip based around a tentative cruise date only for it to not happen due to lack of numbers.
I changed my trip dates so that I can go on the 18th Boobs Cruise! LOL I'm such a looney! I miss you MEIMS! I have to talk to you! Uber important! Email me k love muffin? Greg&Heather - What are your dates?!