So as I had mentioned in the Aug role call thread, we are there from late afternoon Aug 8th - late morning August 15th. The wife and I are debating on the Boobs Cruise, however the last couple of years she has gotten heat rash / prickly heat when in Mexico (We typically go in August) on her legs if we are outside in the heat too long. If we head inside from time to time to cool off or spend lots of time in the pool she is typically fine. So I guess my question is on the catamaran is there any shade to be had if need be? Is there much stopping and swimming? I am guessing even on the water it is still HOT out there without a cool breeze? I just hate for her to have to be stuck in the sun for several hours and get the heat rash / prickly heat ruining her vacation! So still debating on going and if so most likely would to Monday the 13th as its towards the end of our time there. Anyone one have any thoughts or insight? Worse case scenario we won't be on the cruise (may be better to be safe than sorry) but we will see you when you get back, mock you for being tipsy and have fun then!
I will say that for us worst case scenario is there is no worst case scenario our experience has always been the same at TTR and the Boobs Cruise is that everyones there to have a great time! We have never associated either with judgement. If it’s physically uncomfortable for anyone then it would probably not be a good idea. If a decision is made based on a superficial basis then I would say ignore that inclination (fuck em). There are areas in the back of the boat that you can relax and still have a great time. Hope to see you on the 13th. But if we don’t we will see you at the resort.
There is a shaded area at the back of the boat, and also an inside cabin, but the cabin is like a sauna sometimes. We stop twice for swimming, about 11:45 and then again in the afternoon about 4pm. We have lunch from 1:30 until 3 and there is access to the Ocean then too. So, the longest period without access to the Ocean is about 90 minutes. August is the hottest month of the year, just sayin'
Thanks for the responses, Lol yes and we know its the hottest month Will keep that in mind and will rethink while there seeing what the heat is like then (i.e. Hot, Really Hot or DAMN HOT!), its not debilitating for her just enough to be really itchy and a nuisance.
We have been to Mexico each of the last 4 August. I like it hot. But I would classify August as DAMN HOT ha On the positive side, those that dont normally get nekkid say 'oh f it, I am too hot to wear many clothes'