In several threads I have heard mention of biodegradable sunscreen. Do you need it; where do you need it; and where can you get it? Steve, do you need it on the Boobs Cruise? My understanding is that regular sunscreen hurts the coral reefs so I'm guessing if you aren't snorkling (except in the sexy pool:mnm you wouldn't need it.
You should get some if you plan on going into the ocean. The regular stuff can hurt some of the critters and if you go on a Boobs Cruise etc the crews are supposed to tell you that you need the biodegradable stuff. As far as getting some you can try drugstores / Walmarts etc and just read labels. You should be able to find something there. Of course you could just track down TORIB on these forums as she apparently is the skin care rep who visits TTR a few times a week and she could hook you up with the good stuff.
Thanks. It may be hard to find sunscreen in the northland during winter. Will check. If not, I'll try to order some online. I'v got two weeks.
When we went to XEL_HA it was mandatory, $20, but your group can split on a tube. Just a warning the stuff they sold there is good and lasts but turns very white on your skin
Yes, i am at TTR three days a week and I can help you out. Be very careful of the stuff i. The stores. Just because zinc or titanium dioxide are listed, most times they are listed with a bunch of chemicals above it. I am here to serve and protect!!!
Tori...what days are you at TTR? We should be at the pool Wednesday early afternoon. I'd just as soon get it from you than waste my $$$ on something here at home. I get brownie points if I tried to find your TandyKakes. We have some Tastykakes here in MI....but no Tandy's. (I'm from the east coast and I miss them too!!) Deb
BIG brownie points to you. I grew up eating the Jelly Krimpets every day after school, but since then I really only have the knack for Tandy. I really appreciate the thought though. I am there Mon, Wed and Fri 10:45 to about noon. I wish it was longer. I love being there and enjoy the ppl I meet.
I got my Biodegradable Sunscreen at the local health food store. They carried everything that is earth friendly!! :icon_smile:
. I get brownie points if I tried to find your TandyKakes. We have some Tastykakes here in MI....but no Tandy's. Not to mess with the thread, but what are Tandykakes, Tastykakes and Jelly Krimpets? I fell like I may have been living a deprived life up here in MN.