Hello, me and hubby will be there in a few weeks. Need some on advice on a disagreement . I really like very very small bottoms, my husband does as well! But the disagreement comes in from the hair.....I have a very natural look and hubby loves and prefers it. He wants it to stay and where the micro bottoms any ways. I think that is totally unacceptable, and all the hair must go. Ladies do you agree with me?
Stacia thought it'd look... unkempt is the word she uses... if nothing else, your kitty would look "messy" if there's pubes running amok out of your microbottom... And, as a veteran of the vajungle in the early 80's, NOT a fan of hair. I get it, the youngsters are rebelling against the porn image... but having to fight your way through it... I thought we already fought that war and won it? ...lol... Ralphie May's bit on this is hilarious...
We aren't youngest nor old, it's my 40th. There aren't much too my bottoms , so it will be a shaved or Full bush. How do they feel about no bottoms?
Spreading out beyond the edge of the fabric -- probably best to shave that part. Visible within see-through fabric -- yeah baby!
TTR, they make you wear the bottoms, however small they can get. There's been some VERY small ones there with no problem.
This does require pics for proper judgement ,,i myself prefer a pussy thats not bald but i would say shave whats not covered ,,, Remind your hubby that you need to be comfortable ... (.Y.)
Well not the lady for the group but I know her answer. The lady of this group (who isn’t bi) doesn’t think it’s attractive. Me on the other hand can’t think of many things more attractive than a well manicured landing strip poking out the top of a mico bikini.